Get Out Fridays
Get Out Fridays for 12 to 17 year olds - a relaxing space for teenagers to wind down for the weekend, share food, meet peers, and try something new.
We are very lucky to be able to offer some free sessions to help us launch our teenager programme. The sessions are from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm on a Friday, with campfire snack and dinner. The group size is maximum twelve so that we can foster an unpressurised, supportive and friendly atmosphere.
Do you know a young person who would benefit from a small, nurturing group in the outdoors?
Free transport available to and from Bridport. The three autumn dates are 13, 20 and 27 September.
Please contact us for more information or to be put on our contact list for future teenager sessions in the spring.
Feeling a bit anxious about trying it out? Email us to arrange a chat. We are also happy to meet you beforehand if that is helpful.
Please get in touch if you would have difficulties getting to Bridport for the free transport or to the Field directly, or if there are any other challenges or obstacles to your young person participating.
Clare 0798 4451534
Our thanks to Dorset Council and Dorset National Landscape for funding this project.